Biscuit Tournament - Round 1

The first round of the biscuit tournament was better than we ever imagined, the entries were great, the competition close and the excitement by the tasters was beautiful.  

In the savory side of the competition:  

Pimento Cheese Biscuit (We will call this the PCB in the rest of this post): pimentos and celery in the biscuit, topped with pimento cheese and tomatoes by Sam Evans
Medeteranian Biscuit (MB): olive and artichoke biscuit topped with fluff and drizzled with an herbed olive oil  by Deb Alexander

In the sweet side of the competition:  

Run and Tell Nana (RTN): banana biscuit topped with nutella, a banana slice and caramel by Adam Brune
After School Special (ASS): apple cinnamon biscuit topped with peanut butter and honey by Sylvia Pinegar

Here is what you thought of the biscuits:  

We asked for your comments and they were great!  ( I will use the initials of the biscuits that are being commented on)

MB might win this whole tourney.  The biscuit was perfect, herby and rich.  It will win the savory bracket
Loved the flavor of the ASS with the apples best!
Hard decision but liked MB better because of the different flavors.
PCB - The tomato in the biscuit was a welcome surprise, even for someone who is not fond of them.  It was a perfect blend. 
PCB - Best by far!
Peanut butter VS. Nutella!  Diabolical!  But really, I am not a fan of Peanut butter but the apple portion of the ASS sealed the deal! I want another biscuit already!
The MB stole my epicurean heart with subtlety and grace! 
I love peanut butter probably more than any other food, but.... I have to give the nod to RTN!
The flavor! The Panache!  The Olives!  Add this one to the list!  (MB)
Dessert for breakfast, Yes Please!!!! (RTN)
RTN - It was the tits!
MB - Amaze-balls!
How does one choose?  Cruel & Unusual, this is! But... I have to say the PCB  edges out a victory, but only just!
PCB - Comfort food winner!
ASS - The combination of cinnamon with apple and peanut butter formed a complex flavor symphony!
MB - The best flavor balanced biscuit I've had here yet! I love pimento cheese so this is a difficult decision!
RTN has all of my fav things.  Nutella is my weakness! 
RTN -  The bomb dot com.
Run Tell Nana I want another!
PCB - Totally took me by surprise! I thought it was lacking originality, but I loved it! The MB was also delicious! It was a hard choice! 
ASS - It reminded me of coming home from elementary school. I always wanted a punchable, but in the end apples and peanut butter always got the job done! 
Photo by Jaclyn Jorgensen Kilduff

Photo by Jaclyn Jorgensen Kilduff

And the winners of this round are:

Pimento Cheese Biscuit by Sam Evans!

After School Special by Sylvia Pinegar!

Congrats you two!  Also a big thanks to Deb Alexander and Adam Brune! It was so so close, and your biscuits will be seen on the Greenhouse menu again! They were amazing! 

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