Biscuit Tournament Round 7

This is a bitter sweet week.  It is the last of the first round! Things get real now!  

What a week for biscuits!  The competition was fierce and the biscuits were on point! 

In the savory side of the competition:  

Terrific Atlantic Pacific (TAP):  Rosemary and Prosciutto biscuit with chopped pineapple and goat fluff by Rick Allen
Hey Naan-y Nannie  (HNN): Ginger curry sweet potato biscuit with mango chutney and goat cheese

In the sweet side of the competition:  

Big Mamou (BM): Cinnamon and peanut butter sweet potato biscuit with spiced fluff by Robby Amonett
Amelia's Special (AS): Apple Cinnamon Biscuit with Cheddar and fluff! By Amelia Wiygul

Here is what you thought of the biscuits:  

We asked for your comments and they were great!  ( I will use the initials of the biscuits that are being commented on)

You had me at prosciutto!
Spiced Fluff = Fall Staple
The BM,
don't you love it? 
If you don't think its yummy,
you might be a dummy!
AS: Light and lovely flavors!
I don't know what chutney is, but I want more!  Naan-y Nannie on to the next!
BM: My real review wasn't good enough
I would say "Naan-y Nannie Boo-Boo" to anyone who didn't eat this this morning! 
While we have seen a lot of cinnamon & peanut butter (for a good reason) this was my first on a sweet potato. Nom-to-the-nom!
AS: Cheddar...yes!
TAP: Yummy in my tummy!
Close one, but AS for the win! 
Damn Keith! That's a good one!  All the favorite flavors in one bite!
AS: like a warm apple pie. :) Perfect with white cheddar!
It is difficult to vote against apple and cinnamon in the morning, but I've been seduced by peanut butter! 
HNN:  Wonderfully earthy, with two root components, provides a down home aspect and an exotic link to the far east... and goats!
TAP: a small meal in its self: Sweet/salty/tasty
HNN: a biscuit I will now crave! Great Spices!
Who would have thought pineapple and rosemary would be so divine together?
The BM seriously brings me straight to Thanksgiving! 
Not only is the name kicks, but the curry, mango chutney and goat cheese took me back to the Fijis! 

And the winners of this round are:

HEY NAAN-Y NANNIE by Keith Wooten!

THE BIG MAMOU by Robby Amonett!


Good job to all of y'all! your ideas were brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing them!