Greenhouse Biloxi

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Biscuit Tournament Round 5!

What a close week! It is so much fun to see everyone's response to the biscuits every week!  It adds a little drama to the normally hum drum Tuesdays.

In the savory side of the competition:  

Honey Mustard Pretzel Biscuit (HMP):  Onion biscuit topped with sea salt filled with honey mustard by Mandi Brimm
Smoked Paprika Biscuit (SP): Smoked paprika biscuit with goat cheese fluff, roasted tomatoes and arugula by Katie Bryan

In the sweet side of the competition:  

Skinny Elvis (SE): Oatmeal, banana and cinnamon biscuit with almond butter by Judy Guice
Minty Peach Biscuit (MP): A simple sweet biscuit topped with minty peach jam and fluff by Liz Pacyna.

Here is what you thought of the biscuits:  

We asked for your comments and they were great!  ( I will use the initials of the biscuits that are being commented on)

The HMP was a nice example of sweet and savory!  Low Maintenance!
The MPB and I were Mint to be!
The SP was Love on a biscuit! It was hot, drippy and yielded willingly to my tender nibbles
HMP:  This should replace all pretzel and mustard snacks at every bar... just saying!
SE: "Love me tender, Love me sweet!" This biscuit is true love!
SP: The sensation was as if John was Paprika, Paul was a tomato, George was Arugula, and Ringo was a Goat! 
MP tasted like a snowball! I love snowballs! the jam was the bomb!

And the winners of this round are:




GOOD JOB  TO ALL FOUR OF YOU LADIES! Mandi Brimm and Judy Guice: Your biscuits were amazing and will be seen on our menu soon!