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Greenhouse Presents: Ken Gaines

Ken Gaines is the 2005 Texas Music Awards Singer Songwriter of the Year and the producer of the Thursday night Songwriters in the Round Series at Anderson Fair in Houston. He's a veteran performer with incredible breadth and polish and is one of Texas' finest and most well-rounded songwriters. He's also known as the "voice" of the annual Texas Music Awards with his regular role as the announcer for the event. Recently he was featured in the film “For the Sake of the Song” a full length documentary about Anderson Fair and its historic importance to Texas Music.
Ken tours nationally and throughout his home state of Texas as a single act as well as with musical partners Wayne Wilkerson, Karen Mal, and Butch Morgan. He's written songs for film, stage, and commercials and regularly performs all original songs on his own. He's a regular fixture at the Kerrville Folk Festival, and was the opening feature in 2009. He's a member of the Academy of Texas Music and has two CD’s currently in print on the Songdog Records Label, both available at More info including past and upcoming performances, YouTube videos, and recorded music can be found at